Member Night at CRO - June 1

I uncanceled this as a CRO Member did go out tonight and open the observatory.

CANCELLED: I don’t see any CRO member saying they are going to open the observatory tonight, so I am officially canceling tonight’s Member Night. Hopefully we’ll have better luck next week.

The next member night at CRO is on Saturday, June 1.

Right now the long range weather forecasts are calling for scattered thunderstorms and high winds, 10-20mph. With a 50% chance of rain. (Almost the same as last month!) But this is Oklahoma and this could change! Please watch the weather forecasts, and check back here to ensure the observatory will be open before you head out!

Sunset is at 2045 (8:45pm). Nautical twilight begins at 2115. Astronomical twilight begins at 2152. Twilight ends and true night begins at 2232.

The moon sets at 1539 (3:39pm), so it will be a very dark night!

Again, watch the weather forecasts and here on the forum to find out if the forecast changes and if we will have to cancel.

If anyone is coming that can open the 14” or 30” scopes, please post on here that you will be attending and it will be open.

If you’re planning to come out, please post on here that you are coming. I will not be able to attend, so please ensure that a CRO member posts on here that they will have CRO open for all members!

If you want to be guided to CRO, please post here and check back to see if a CRO member can meet and guide you. CRO members, please post what time you can meet any members needing guides. Please make arrangements to meet directly with whoever will be guiding you.

The location of the observatory is also now searchable in both Google Maps and Apple Maps. Search for Cheddar Ranch Observatory, Watonga, OK, and it should appear and give you directions if you want. It might also appear in your GPS app/program.

Clear and dark skies!


Weather permitting I’d like to come if eligible. Shouldn’t have trouble finding it if it’s on google/apple maps, and would be pulling in around 10:30pm. At a minimum, I’d like to get the chance to meet a few members.

Planning to attend. Will be checking weather Friday and the day of.

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I am planning to be there early enough to help mow if needed, you all are welcome to join me!

I plan on the trip over there, if my wife is Okay. She had shoulder surgery last week and I kinda stay close. I can’t do much but I love to mow if it’s a riding mower. lol.

@Okifatboy Ever use a zero turn mower Dennis?

Been a while but yes. I’ve used one.

Then you would have no issues​:grin::+1:

Sorry everyone I will not be able to attend June 1 at CRO as my wife is in ICU. It seems it’s always something.
Cancer Sucks

I was so looking forward to seeing the place and getting to mow, also getting to see and use the telescope s.

Well I guess I won’t get to meet you. :frowning_face: Hopefully we will get to see you at the meeting! Take care :+1:

Weather permitting, I plan be there.

I am not going, for me the weather doesn’t look favorable for the evening.

I will try to get out to mow between now and the next members night.

Keeping my eye on it, next Friday looks fantastic so hopefully that pushes into next Saturday

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i’m not going to cancel this, as the weather is marginal, not completely bad. However I will not be going out. Too busy more than the weather, in my case.

BUT! Any non-CRO members should ensure that a CRO Member will have the observatory open before they leave!

If you’re a CRO member and plan to go out today, please confirm on here that you will open it!!!

If I don’t see someone saying they will ensure it is open by about 4pm, I’m going to cancel it so non-members won’t waste a trip.

Just curious, The cloud cover looks mostly favorable on Astrospheric. Is it wind or seeing that folks are concerned with? I’m keeping an eye on it and will probably decide later on if I go or not.

Weather isn’t looking that great, so I think I’ll cancel my plans to attend.

I think clouds is the main issue. At best it looks like it’ll be partly cloudy, and slightly breezy.

In Astrospheric, I admit I’m always confused by the 4 different results for clouds. for example, this evening it says the chances of clouds are: 1%, 22%, 0% and 100%. These are 4 different model predictors. How can one be predicting 0% chance of clouds, and another predicting 100% chance of clouds? I think the main one, RDPS (the big bar on top), is the main one we should be looking at, but it still confuses me. I don’t know enough about meterology to understand them. All I want to know is if it should be cloudy or not, and having 4 different models telling me the exact opposite from each other, doesn’t help. Otherwise I love Astrospheric.

In this case, my other goto weather app, Weather Underground, is predicting partly cloudy all evening. (Which contradicts Astrospherics’ RDPS prediction of a 1% chance…).

I’m not seeing any CRO members saying they are going tonight, so I’m going to cancel this in a few minutes.

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Astrospheric looks like it might be ok until about 2am. I just checked and the gate is closed. There are some clouds more than what I would call 3%. By 9pm it is supposed to be 0%. Will check later to see if anyone shows up.