Horrible weather this weekend, but it looks like it’ll be good both Monday and Tuesday evening! I’m planning on going to Bluff Creek Park Monday evening. Probably get there shortly before sunset if anyone wants to join me!
I may go as well on Monday.
I will try to make it out there as well. Maybe I can learn a thing or two.
Great! The more the merrier! Plenty of room, and the forecast is looking really good!
Strongly considering, will have to see what is going on tomorrow for sure!
Forecast is still excellent as of now! Clear and a bit windy at the moment, but winds supposed to start dying soon. Sunset is at 2020, so I’m planning on getting there around 2000.
Not getting away this evening, sorry I’ll miss this.
Unfortunately I am not going to make it out tonight. Haven’t felt well today.
No worries. Hopefully I’ll get to tell you what perfect night you missed!
I hope so! I may step outside the house and see what is visible. Shouldn’t there still be some meteors tonight?
also not feeling well, sorry. Wanted to see the new spot.
So far so good! Just waiting for some stars to appear.
Absolutely perfect night. No wind. No bugs. Quiet. Dark. Gazing up at the stars while my scopes record.
You can see lower on the horizons at Windsurfer. But can see down to about 10 deg, sometimes 15, where I’m at on the edge of the field. I really don’t want to go below 20 deg or so anyway, so not an issue. Much more pleasant than Windsurfer.
Gorgeous night! I wanted to stay longer, but I have to get up for an eye appointment tomorrow. Managed to capture several Messier objects, Pluto, and 3 science observations that I’m now uploading to SETI. Heading to bed.
But first, here’s PLUTO!
It’s the really dim dot near the center…
How many people were out and about? Any visitors?
Diminished rapidly after dark. 2-3 cars in the lot until about 2230, then nobody.
Hey all! My plans for tonight just got cancelled, so I’m headed for Bluff Creek Park at sunset this evening, Thursday, 5 Oct.
All are welcome to join me! I set up on the big field near the porta-potties.
The forecast for tonight is clear and a lot less wind than tomorrow evening. Or Saturday at CRO for that matter. I’m still going to both of those, btw.
There’s a new supernova the SETI scientists are urging us to capture. Hopefull I’ll be able to get all three evenings.
It’s crystal clear and perfect out. I’m up and running in my backyard and Jaxon is also up and running at his house.
It’s near perfect conditions at Bluff Creek! Just captured two hours of supernova V844 Her (CV) for SETI. Finishing up M73 on my other scope, then going to head in. It’s so nice I’d stay, but gotta get up early tomorrow.
Just got my Seestar today and am heading to Bluff Creek Park about 1830 to try it out! Forecast looks great, though you should dress warmly if you decide to come out. It will get very chilly. Fall in Oklahoma is here.
If you’ve been thinking of getting one, com’on out and take a look at it!