The long range forecasts have changed and now it looks like Monday will be almost perfect viewing weather! Well, if you don’t mind if it’s a bit chilly. As in barely above freezing. But it’s late fall, so might as well get used to it for a few months. But skies are supposed to be clear and low winds.
So if it stays that way, I’m heading to Bluff Creek Park at sunset. It’s been busy with soccer until sunset, so no reason to come earlier. I’ll post again Monday to confirm I’ll be heading there that evening.
Any and all are welcome to join me! I’ll probably have all three of my EA scopes going!
I would like to attend if it’s a go, but can’t get there til around 8. Will this work? I want to be respectful and not ruin everyone’s night vision with my headlights showing up after dark.
BeGenner, 8 is fine. Sunset is at 1841, but true night, i.e., the best viewing, doesn’t start until 2003. So you’ll be there just in time for the best viewing! Once you enter the park, take the right fork, then look for the telescopes on the field. Will probably be just past the portapotties. Plently of parking. Alongside the field, or in the lot.
The forecasts are still for almost perfect viewing tonight! Clear and low winds! Tuesday night looks just as good; perhaps a bit better! I might go out tomorrow night, too! The rest of the week, even if it’s clear, the winds will be higher. Even if it doesn’t shake the scope much, the wind chill will be bitter.
I’m planning on getting there right around sunset, maybe a bit later. Let the soccer moms and dads clear out.
If you’re thinking of joining me, dress warmly! As Dave always says, dress for 20 deg colder than it is. So if you’re going to be standing around outside viewing, dress for about 10-15F. I can control my scopes from inside my car, but I’ll still be dressing for winter!
I aslo suggest if you come and plan on setting up a scope, take it out to your car at least an hour before you leave and let it get cold soaked. You do not want to take a scope from around 70F inside your house and set it up in 35F temps. You’ll need to let it sit there for at least 20 minutes before it will really be usable.
I also decided to take advantage of the clear skies and no wind. But temperature, dew point, and humidity turned out to be a challenge.
I took my newly modified cheapie Orion ST-80 out for an imaging test drive from the backyard. Went to bed around 02:30. Parked the scope, but left everything powered up, including the dew heater. This is what I found this morning.
Thank heavens for the dew heater!! (see last pic below)
Last night was gorgeous, but things did get a bit frosty. I had my Seestar out, and was wondering how it would do in the cold. I believe it’s rated down to 32F, but it got down to 30F before I left. Seestar seemed to fo fine at those temps, even with frost all over it. I forgot I had to turn on the dew heater until the last hour or so.
The weather looks absolutely perfect tonight! I’ll be heading to Bluff Creek at sunset. I’ll probably be there till after midnight.
Anyone is welcome to join me! I’ll have my EA scopes with me; eVscope 2, Stellina, and Seestar. If anyone wants to see them in action, tonight’s the night! I’ll be doing Citizen Science with the eV2, trying to capture more Messier objects with my Stellina, and will be experimenting with the Seestar. Still learning how to use the more advanced features.
As you go into the park, off Meridian just north of Hefner Drive, turn right at the stop sign and just keep going. I park beside the field just past the portapoties. If you’re setting up scopes, park by the field. If not, I recommend parking in the lot a few feet to the west. Please park with your headlights pointed away from the field. Don’t worry about about driving by with lights on, it happens a fair amount with other folks driving through.
Had a great evening! Got 9 Citizen Science missions completed, on 2 comets, 1 near earth asteroid, and 1 supernova with my eVscope 2. With my Stellina I managed to add 4 Messier objects to my collection. With the Seestar I experimented with different features, learning some of the more advanced parts of the software.
I kept imaging until I ran out of power on two of the scopes, which happened around midnight. Got 6 hours out of each of them. The eV2 was a bit under half. It clearly has the best battery of the bunch!
All in all, a very nice evening! I’m glad I went out. I doubt I’ll have another night this warm until late spring.
I’m heading out for another “impromptu” viewing night at Bluff Creek Park tomorrow evening, 14 Nov. I’m planning on getting there about 1900. (7 pm for those still using 12 hour time ). Suspect I’ll be there until midnight or so.
Anyone is welcome to join me. I set up on the field near the porta-potties. I’ll have all three of my all-in-one EA scopes there; eVscope 2, Stellina, and the Seestar S50. It will be a good opportunity to see them in action if you’re thinking of getting one of them.
The weather is supposed to be clear, mild winds 5-8mph, and temps in the mid 50s.
If it’s clear I’ll probably set my scope back up in the backyard and start on a new project. I just finished a pretty big one, and I can now rotate my camera. But have fun at bluff creek
Do you have anyone committed to join you yet tonight?
I will…
But I was thinking about soon trying out Arbor Gardens Park (that you’ve recently mentioned as a possible, periodic southside location) in Moore tonight (less than 1 mile west of S I-35 east of the primary intersection cross-streets SW 164th & S Santa Fe - for those navigating from OKC)