The forecast is not optimal, partly cloudy, but the main problem looks like wind. 15mph(+).
As of now, it’s still on for tonight!
I’m going to change the title of this to take off the date and make it a long running topic. If you select “watching” in the box below the posts, you’ll get email notifications of new information. I think that way you’ll only have to watch one post keep up with the current status.
The restrooms should be open from 7-1030. I don’t know if I’ll set up my scopes if the wind is that high, but bringing my zero G chair, binocs and a planetsphere. Will be a good night to practice with those.
As it doesn’t get dark until late, plan for some solar viewing at 7!
I agree with Rachel! It turned out to be a great viewing night!
There were 9 members there tonight, including 3 relatively new members. Gerald was able to help Damon with his Dobsonian and Brent and Colby got a general introduction to astronomy, including discussions about types of telescopes, astronomy apps, and general viewing tips.
Rachel got some nice images with her Hestia, and Jim and I had our Seestars up and running.
Joel and Hannah provided moral support for everyone, while relaxing in the nice weather.
We got some great solar viewing in, then got several DSOs after dark.
I want to thank everyone for the hospitality last night. It was good to meet you all, and a huge word of thanks to Gerald for his help. I look forward to meeting more of the club and will attend as I’m able.
Our next First Friday Public Observing Night will be on July 5th at Arbor Gardens Park in Moore.
We’ll start at 1900 (7pm) go to at least 2200 (10pm). Hopefully we’ll get both solar and nighttime viewing.
Right now the forecast is for partly cloudy skies and light winds. Unless it’s completely overcast (or raining or snowing) we’ll hold this event.
This is a good time to get help if you’re having problems, see other equipment in action, and to socialize and have a good time! I usually head for something to eat afterward and anyone is welcome to join me!
Invite family, friends, strangers, anyone, to attend and enjoy the universe!
I have been keeping an eye on the weather today… still looks to be 90% (ish) overcast, here in Moore. The plan is to go get some dinner and head over to arbor gardens about 7 or 7:30. Hopeful that clouds will eventually begin to part. We shall see.
I have arrived at Arbor Gardens… estimating 75% overcast with clearing skies to the west. Noticeable improvement since earlier post… also noticeably warmer than earlier. Anyone interested and in the area, should come on out.
The forecasts are still calling for clear skies this evening, but they also say it’s supposed to be clear there right now. I don’t know about Moore, but just north of Will Rogers Airfield, it’s completely overcast.
I’m going to be there at 7 regardless. Though if it stays cloudy, we might not stay very long.