Due to all the weather apps I have calling for completely overcast tomorrow evening, I’m going to cancel this event earlier rather than later. Hopefully we’ll have better luck in February!
The first First Friday event of 2024 will be held at 7pm on Jan 5.
Weather permitting, we’ll meet at Arbor Gardens Park, 1695 SW 34th St, in Moore, towards the east end of the parking lot, near the walkway.
Last month the Moore Parks Dept had the indoor toilets open for us and I’ll try to ensure they’re open this month, too.
This event is for both club members to get together to observe in the metro area, and for prospective members and the general public.
Please check back here the afternoon of Jan 5 to see if the weather will cooperate. we’ll try to hold it if it’s partly cloudy, depending on wind and percentage of cloud cover, but we’ll definitely cancel if completely overcast.
It will be cold, so dress very warmly! As Dave always says, dress for 20 deg colder than the actual temperature.
My wife and I are planning to come as of right now, work and weather permitting. But we’re going to eat dinner at Rib Crib first. Probably be there about 5:30 or so. https://maps.app.goo.gl/iKoG6TxFFpGYaWRH9
The forecasts are unanimous in that it will be completely cloudy tomorrow night, so I’m going to cancel this one early. Hopefully February will be better!
The next First Friday event will be held at 7pm on Mar 1.
Weather permitting, we’ll meet at Arbor Gardens Park, 1695 SW 34th St, in Moore, towards the east end of the parking lot, near the walkway.
Hopefully the Moore Parks Dept will have the indoor toilets open for us.
This event is for both club members to get together to observe in the metro area, and for prospective members and the general public.
Please check back here the afternoon of Mar 1 to see if the weather will cooperate. we’ll try to hold it if it’s partly cloudy, depending on wind and percentage of cloud cover, but we’ll definitely cancel if completely overcast.
It may still be cold, so dress very warmly! As Dave always says, dress for 20 deg colder than the actual temperature.
As of today, I plan on being there. , I will be keeping an eye on the weather as the week progresses. If anyone else is interested in coming out, let me know.
Ida and I will be coming out for this one. I’m going to bring my AVX mount and 8" EdgeHD telescope. We will be bringing out some solar eclipse items including solar glasses.
Jupiter and Orion will be up for some good viewing.
We needed to find something for dinner before the event. We had a nice surprise there is a DQ only minutes from the event.
We had a total of 11 members and 4 visitors. Two of our visitors stopped by when they saw us to see what was going on. They left and came back after putting on some warmer clothes. Gave out some solar glasses and eclipse materials. Had great view of Jupiter with 3 moons. The fourth moon was hidden behind the planet. Orion Nebula was looking good also. There really wasn’t any wind and the temperature was pleasant.
Thank you to all the club members that were there last night, and especially to Tom, who got the bathrooms open for us! I’m glad the night turned out so well!
And I would especially like to thank Ida (and Dave). Not only did the fair number of grouped vehicles and telescopes call attention, but Ida had a very professional Oklahoma City Astronomy Club “banner” visibly displayed across the full width of their vehicle’s windshield.
This allowed anyone who glanced our way to know who we are.
To me, this is critically important for all events with a primary purpose of outreach. We must say
who we are;
welcome; and
please come look and ask questions!
(We really can’t expect most individuals to approach us in the dark and strike up a conversation.)
Maybe add some small red, LED lights and more than a couple yard signs?