I am thinking New Mexico too! Have not made final arrangements as of yet. Does anyone know of an organized event for place to go? I will most likely be “roughing it” too, sleeping in the car or maybe a tent.
The Thursday and Friday before is fall break for the kids. We’ve been wanting to take a long weekend to go down and visit Carlsbad Caverns at some point, so we’re going to do that combined with this eclipse. Works out perfect!
I will be going to Texas. I have picked a location where both eclipse will cross. The 2024 annular will be my test run for knowing where to set up. Lots of places were already booked, I have reserved an RV spot at private campground near Concan Texas. Hopefully it won’t be cloudy in that part of Texas. If so, I have a small set up that I can put in the trunk and drive till it clears up and quickly setup.
While travelling that far, I also decide to go and visit Big Bend National park.
I wish all who a traveling a safe and clear skies trip.
Hobbs, New Mexico is an overcrowded dump. The oil and gas industry is all over that corner of New Mexico. Every time I go through that town, I say to myself “I hate this place”. I just thought I would share that with everyone in this thread. On a usual weeknight, the RV park is filled with people living there to work on the oil rigs. Just a heads-up
Oh yeah, another thing… the annular eclipse this October will be during a new moon, so I’m planning to stay at a dark sky location and do astrophotography, etc. I wouldn’t want to just travel and stay at an RV park etc.
Lol, yeah , but I’m not going to be in an RV park. But thanks for the heads-up. Hobbs is the general area that I was thinking of doing some stealth camping in.
I’m leaning toward a location like this: Google Maps
It’s on National Forest land, so I can stay for free and it’s a Bortle-2 / Bortle-1. Heck, if the cloud forecast is clear, I’ll stay at a place like this for a few nights
I was going to go to NM, probalby south of Santa Rosa somewhere, but a couple of friends in Austin want me to come there and they’ll join me. So I’m looking at Medina, TX now. It’s west of Austin, south and a bit west of Fredricksburg. It appears to be a very small community, near the centerline of the eclipse. 4 min, 50 sec of annularity.
I’m going down in late Sept to scout around for a good spot to view it, but the first place I’ll look is the Medina Volunteer Fire Department. I had good luck with the 2017 total eclipe with setting up in a fire dept parking lot. Among other possible advantages, they’ll probably let us use their restrooms.
I think the chances of a clear day are better in NM, so that’s my backup if the forecasts a few days beforehand are bad for TX.
Medina, TX in the hill country will be a good place. I’ve lived in the hill country for a few years in the past. Just find a good clear spot for where the shadow will come across the land. Along the center line.
I’m heading a bit closer to Midland, TX on the 14th staying overnight on the 13th. There are some public parks available in Midland and it is dead center of the eclipse path.
Ok, here is where I’m planning to go in a few weeks for the annular eclipse:
Weather permitting of course. I plan to get there a few nights before and do some dark sky imaging, then shoot the eclipse, pack up, and head home. It’s a Bortle-1 / Bortle-2.
It’s dispersed “car camping” on national forest land. I’ll have AC electricity from my car, a coffee maker, a microwave, fridge/freezer. If anyone wants to go, let’s synch up and car dark sky car camping with the bonus of the daytime eclipse
For anyone who wants to join me, I’ll be setting up at the Fairfield Inn and Suites in Boerne, TX. The partial begins there at 1023 and the annularity (the ring of fire) begins at 1151. Annularity will last about 4 minutes at that location. I’ll have telescopes, cameras, solar binoculars, and eclipse protective glasses available for others to view the eclipse. If you’re planning to join me, I’d appreciate letting me know in advance. I believe there are still rooms available there, for a reasonable price, if you want to stay there. The two week out forecast for there is looking excellent!
Is anyone staying in Oklahoma for the partial eclipse? Are there any official Club events for the eclipse in town that need to be put on the Club calendar? Found this on Science Museum Oklahoma website.
I thought I’d posted a couple of events folks could go to on the forum, but I’m not finding them now. Did these time out and disappear? AndiIs there a feature that will lock threads to the top like in the old forum?
I’ll check through my requests and post/repost any requests for club members for the annular eclipse.