Total Lunar Eclipse - March 13-14, 2025

There is going to be a total lunar eclipse the night of Thursday, 13-14 March. It will start about 2257 (10:57pm), with totality around 0200, and ending around 0500.

Too far in advance to be sure but I may try to view it at CRO if the weather is good. More on this later, but everyone interested needs to get it on their calendars now!


Going to be out of town for this one.

Total Lunar Eclipse

10:57 pm Thu, Mar 13 Penumbral Eclipse begins

12:09 am Fri, Mar 14 Partial Eclipse begins Partial moon eclipse starts - moon is getting red.

1:26 am Fri, Mar 14 Total Eclipse begins Total moon eclipse starts - completely red moon.

1:58 am Fri, Mar 14 Maximum Eclipse Moon is closest to the center of the shadow.

2:31 am Fri, Mar 14 Total Eclipse ends Total moon eclipse ends.

3:47 am Fri, Mar 14 Partial Eclipse ends Partial moon eclipse ends.

5:00 am Fri, Mar 14 Penumbral Eclipse ends