There is going to be a total lunar eclipse the night of Thursday, 13-14 March. It will start about 2257 (10:57pm), with totality around 0200, and ending around 0500.
Too far in advance to be sure but I may try to view it at CRO if the weather is good. More on this later, but everyone interested needs to get it on their calendars now!
I’m sorry I wasn’t at the meeting last night to discuess this, but i know that Ron announced it for me. Thank you Ron!
As I said above, I am thinking of going to CRO that night (with my trailer) but it’s been suggested to me the club might be interested in doing something in the city. As it doesn’t begin until 2257 and ends at 0500, with totality from 0130 to 0230, on a weeknight, I wasn’t thinking of having a local event. All would be welcome to join me at CRO (or wherever I end up), but I want to see if anyone would come to a local event. Probably either at Arbor Gardens Park, or Bluff Creek Park (or both!).
If anyone is interested in setting up in the city, please post on here and maybe others will join you! The moon is bright enough there’s no real need to go to CRO or darker areas. I am mainly thinking of going there so I can set up my trailer and get a little sleep while still recording it.
I think I’ll stay with my backyard for this. Weather Underground says it should be clear for the eclipse, but will be fairly windy. 15-20mph. I can block the wind better in my yard with fences and buildings than I can at CRO.
But even if you go to bed early, everyone should set an alarm, go outsdie and at least look at it about 0126!