The Sun today, in Hydrogen Alpha

I don’t do solar very often, but here was a quick attempt at a nice solar image with my 50mm guide scope and a Daystar Quark Chromosphere and a ZWO ASI174mm mini. One minute video, stacked and sharpened using AS3 and RS6. Background/gradient mapping processed in Photoshop.

Thanks for looking!

The Sun in Hydrogen Alpha by Jaxon Taylor, on Flickr


Very cool! (Or hot!). Looks like the DQ Chromosphere also shows some prominences. Doesn’t DQ have a special, separate unit for that?

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Yeah, there is a Daystar Quark Prominence version. I think it is better at the prominences, but I’m happy with the prominences I get with the Chromosphere model. I also care more about the surface detail of the Sun over prominences.

This filter is very fun to use!

Jaxon, your next challenge is to make a timelapse of the surface, showing some action happening!

That’s a good idea. This image was hard enough to process that im not particularly excited about doing it 10 or 15 times. We shall see.

The hard part is getting the prominences to show when they are so so so much dimmer than the chromosphere. I did it all in one image, so it required some extensive background neautralization work.