Roll off roof observatory

I am thinking of building a roll off roof. Does anyone have one that they would allow me to visit to actually see one in person as opposed to videos and pictures?


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If you find someone who does have one, I’d like to go with you to look at it. I’m seriously thinking of setting up some kind of observatory building in my backyard this year. Haven’t decided on a roll off or a dome. Or a combination of the two.

Other than the one at CRO, I haven’t heard of anyone that has a setup going. There are tons of plans and ideas on the Internet (thinking YouTube specifically) that can help with designs.

Nebula Photos has a series of one he built.

This will get you there:

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Thanks. I haven’t watched this one yet. I have wanted several and looked at some plans. I was just hoping to see one in person. How big is the one at CRO?

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You know, I’m not certain. It I had to guess the floor space is a little over 1o’x10’. It’s attached to the main building, but the concept of build will be basically the same.

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