OTSP 2024 General Updates

I saw a couple threads for specific events at OTSP this year, but no General Updates post. So thought I’d start one. Please don’t merge this into one of those other threads.

I’m set to head there tomorrow and just checked the long range forecasts. Wow! It’s even better than it was a few days ago! Completely clear every night, all night long. Through 2 Oct, anyway. Slightly cloudy Wed, 2 Oct and Friday, 4 Oct.

I saw the same thing in 2019. 2018 was a washout (litterally. Soakie-Tex II), but 2019 had at least 4-5 hours of clear skies every night! This year might make up for last year, where we had one clear night the whole week.

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Almost done setting up!

If you’ve been undecided about coming because of the weather, forecasts are for clear skies every night, all night, for the entire week! It’s been gorgeous the last two nights!


The weather is holding steady at “absolutely beautiful.”

I imaged this last night with my new Celestron Origin. Pacman Nebula.


Very nice Mitch. Hope the nice weather continues.

Another gorgeous night! I had 4 all-in-one EA scopes running. Got this with my new Celestron Origin. I’m very pleased with it. Mike Madden requested I image Andromeda, so this is the result of 3 hours of stacked images.


Ho hum. Another great night at OTSP 2024!

My best images are coming in with my new Celestron Origin. Here’s the Lagoon Nebula, and the Dumbell Nebula from last night.

Today is the second day of the Pixinsight class. Jon Talbot is a great teacher!

Forecasts are great for the rest of the week! There’s still time to come out and enjoy some great skies at Bortle 1!

I’ve been having some issues getting a couple of my all-in-one EA scopes aligned. I think we’ve finally figured out the problem is there are so many stars visible, the scopes can’t find the calibration stars it uses for plate solving!


Really nice!!

Clear, but strong gusts tonight at Okie-Tex. Probably very little viewing if it doesn’t die down a bit.

Sorry to hear

Didn’t set anything up last night. Was still fairly strong at 0400 when I took my daily constitutional. But was calm when I went up for breakfast. Hopefully will be better tonight.

But we had a crisis this morning in the new building. Jody (the fantastic caterer) woke Danny and Larry this morning and told them “there’s water running out the door in the new building!” I understand they woke everyone in the bunkhouse and went running over to try to avert disaster!

This is what they discovered when they got there.


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In addition to observing, we have a lot of fun at OTSP!

A post was merged into an existing topic: First Friday Public Observing Night

Some you may know the story, but in a nutshell, OTSP officially starts when Okie and Tex appear on the mesa.

I’m happy to say Okie and Tex are still there, though they were temporarily uprooted by the wind.

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Okie and Tex have left the mesa. The party’s over. :cry:

What a wonderful star party this year! Clear every night, no rain at all. Viewing was not perfect, some nights had some haze (I’m guessing from smoke from Wyoming or other places west), but even with that, it was pretty darn good!

The only downside was the bug that swept through the camp. Definitely a bug, NOT food poisoning. If you caught it was pretty bad, but most recovered quickly. I was fortunate and I didn’t catch it.

Can’t wait for next year!