Okie-Tex Star Party 2023

Taken on the night before the star party began. Unfortunately, this year we had clouds almost every night of the star party. I did this 12 panel mosaic on Thursday night when the conditions were absolutely perfect.

12 panel mosaic.
6 sky panels tracked.
6 ground panels stationary.

5, 2-minute, ISO-1600, 35mm, F2.8 subs per panel.

Nikon D750 Ha modded
Ioptron CEM26 mount
Tamron 35mm F1.4 prime lens

Registar, Pixinsight, Photoshop

Okie-Tex Star Party
9/7/2023, 9:41 pm - 11:30 pm.



Impressive, nicely done!

I’ve added this to my slide show of club member’s images that I use for outreach.

Thanks. I went much “deeper” on this nightscape than I normally do. 5, 2-minute subs per panel, I actually found dust clouds out to the east of the Milky Way core I’ve never seen before. Out in the open sky, I was really surprised.

Goodness golly, this is great! Nice work!

Incredible nightscape. Very very beautiful.
