Newbie Questions

Hello Everyone,

I just made the switch from the old forum to this new one. Two questions:

  1. How do I access a members list like the one on the old forum?

  2. Where is the private message function?

Russ Wheeler

Update: I just figured out messages. Still working on finding a members list.

Until someone teaches us whether we can display an entire member list, you can Search members using at least three letters from their name.

The message board, Discourse supports a a User Directory, but we’ll need our site admin to advise whether we’ve intentionally chosen not to enable.

Welcome to the new forum Russ!


Thanks. The three letter search should work for me.


It’s good to be here. This forum seems like quite an upgrade.

Welcome to the new forum. I should have started with that greeting.
I was too busy trying to find an answer to both of your questions.
I agree! This new forum is SO much better in essentially every way, I was convinced that it can surely do everything the old forum could do — and better.
The ‘three letter” minimum search criteria surprised me as I felt certain that wild cards would be supported also.

Hi. Tom has some great answers to this and the three-letter search is the easiest way to look someone up, or just clicking on their profile.

I didn’t intentionally disable the user list - it just doesn’t show up in this theme, which honestly is fine with me. I don’t particularly like anyone in the world being able to get a list of our users, but that’s more of an “old man yells at clouds” than anything.

With all that said, you should be able to go to: Oklahoma City Astronomy Club to get a list of users.