Hello, everyone. My name is Chris Canary. I’m new here, new to astronomy, and recently acquired a used Orion XT8 dobsonian.
Yesterday evening (12/26) there was a break in the clouds around 7:00pm here in Moore, so I attempted a few observations. After some trial-and-error, I was able to get some great views of Jupiter and Saturn, but I wasn’t quite sure how best to commemorate or catalog my finds.
Do you all have any cataloging tips, suggestions, or templates that might be helpful for a new-viewer like me?
I’m hoping to begin working my way through the Messier catalog as an attempt to learn this skill set, so any advice on that goal would be highly appreciated, too.
Welcome to the club. I joined the club and got into astronomy about a year ago. Im working my way through the Messier Observing program as well as the Constellation Hunter -Northern Hemisphere and just started the Herschel 400 program.
The basic requirements for observing logs (date, time, location, magnitude, seeing, equipment, etc) are on the astronomical league website. As far as the description goes, I found some useful guidance in the H400 guidebook:
What Should You Always Include in Your Object Description?
Approximate size and shape. Since you know your eyepiece’s true field, you can estimate the object’s angular dimensions in minutes of arc. Is it round, or elongated, or does it have an irregular shape? If it is elongated, what is its position angle?
Brightness. Can you give an estimated magnitude by comparing it to that of other objects?
What Details Should Be Included When Describing the Types of Objects?
Galaxies. Is the brightness uniform or does it show a central core or does it give hints of spiral arms? Does the center appear stellar? Are there brighter or darker regions? Are there nearby, dimmer galaxies?
Globular clusters. How well resolved is it, and how concentrated is it? How many individual stars can be discerned? How round is the cluster?
Open Clusters. Is it fully resolved? How many stars does it have and what is their magnitude range? Are the cluster’s stars easy to distinguish from the general background stars? Does any associated nebulosity exist?
Planetary Nebulae. Does it show or suggest color? If it is not round, what is its position angle? Can a central star be discerned?
Diffuse Nebulae. What shape and size is it? How uniform is the brightness? Does it exhibit brighter and darker regions? Does it appear to contain stars?
Also, I use Sky Safari for recording and maintaining my observations. It’s not perfect but it’s convenient and I can export the observations to a spreadsheet at home.
It’s a great idea to begin making notes of your observations. Just begin wherever you are and have fun with what you see. (Forms will guide you, but don’t wait for the perfect template that you may settle on later.)
My first couple of observations with my 8” dob are among my fondest memories. I didn’t document each in writing but I did try sketching Orion’s Nebula (M42.) I grin even as I remember it.
It’s a perfect hobby whether solitary or with friends and family.
If you find us slow to engage with you here or in person, don’t give up. I’ve found that this hobby tends to attract wallflowers: we’re very friendly once spoken to and drawn out, but some of us tend to keep to ourselves and have forgotten how to show our teeth when we smile.
Thank you! This is quite helpful and I appreciate the welcome(s), resources, and tips. I’ll also read up on some more of those program options to help build my observational muscles.
Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter were already shining bright earlier this evening as the sun was setting, so I’m hoping the rest of the night will be clear and dark enough to track down a few more objects like M45 Pleiades and perhaps M42 Orion Nebula.
I highly recommend SkyTools 4 https://skyhound.com/
It has excellent planning and logging with a huge database of objects along with a star atlas and eyepiece view chart generation. It must be purchased but it is well worth the investment.