My 2nd attempt at andromeda

My 2nd attempt at andromeda. 3 hours of narrowband data and around 8 hours of broadband data. Gathered this data on the southside of okc. Using a new scope, the sqa55. The first time i tried i was using a c8 with a dslr, it was not good. This one came out better still learning. I have only been doing this for about a year. Processed and stacked in pixinsight.

2600MC PRO
L-ultimate filter

4 minute subs on both broadband and narrowband


Very nice. Thanks for sharing. I am just amazed at the talent we have in our club. (And resources when you ask for help.)

That’s a great image, David! Very nice work!

With your permission, I’d like to include that image in the slideshow I have that is mostly of images of club members. I show it at various outreach events.

Of course, i dont mind

Thanks! Added!

Absolutely beautiful