Member Night at CRO - October 14

The second member night at CRO in October is on Saturday, October 14.

The Annular Solar Eclipse is this day and many of our CRO members will not be here this night. Regular Club members need to check back here to ensure that a CRO member will be opening CRO this night before driving to the observatory.

Sunset is at 1900 (7:00pm). Nautical twilight begins at 1926. Astronomical twilight begins at 1955. Twilight ends and true night begins at 2025.

The moon sets at 1903 (7:03PM) and is a new moon. This will be a very dark night for observing!

Check the weather forecasts and check back here to ensure it will be good viewing weather and CRO will be open.

If anyone is coming that can open the 14” or 30” scopes, please post on here that you will be attending and it will be open.

If you’re planning to come out, please post on here that you are coming.

If you want to be guided to CRO, please post here and check back to see if a CRO member can meet and guide you. CRO members, please post what time you can meet any members needing guides. Please make arrangements to meet directly with whoever will be guiding you.

The location of the observatory is also now searchable in both Google Maps and Apple Maps. Search for Cheddar Ranch Observatory, Watonga, OK, and it should appear and give you directions if you want. It might also appear in your GPS app/program.

Clear and dark skies!

The eclipse is mid-day. I plan to come out in the evening, weather permitting.

I plan to be out there most of the day from about 9am on.

Is there a solar filter for the 14"?

No Solar filter for the C14. You decided not to go out of town for the eclipse?

I’ll be in Boerne, TX. I hope you get some good images of the partial at CRO!

Yeah, not enough cash to travel far lol. So I’ll do the best I can and go to CRO :+1::grin:

For solar observing, I don’t think you have to worry about light pollution… Just sayin.

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CRO is open
Clear skies wind out of the north end a little chilly. Dress warm!

I will not make it out tonight. A bit too tired from cleaning and the eclipse.

Good luck out there! Thanks for opening it up Joel!

I think I’ll have to skip tonight.

Had 12 neighbors and friends at my house for a neighborhood eclipse viewing this morning. C8 on AVX, and 102AZ on slo-mo mount. Couple of potential club members got excited! We’ll see.

I’m pretty tired after putting it all away. Enjoy the great skies out there!

No worries guys, just hanging with the cows. if no one shows, i’ll head home early if I am not having too much fun, lol.

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Hope it went well last night, Joel!