M33, The Triangulum Galaxy by Jaxon Taylor, on Flickr
Only two hours and 15 minutes of images here. 15 mins of R,G, and B, and 90 minutes of L. Taken through my Esprit 120 refractor and ASI294mm Pro with ZWO filters.
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FYI Jaxon, I’ve added your OTSP 2023 images to the slide show I have of mostly member images I use for Outreach. I tell folks the gorgeous images they see are yours, Andy’s, Rod’s, and other club member’s images. The rest are mine, with a couple of Hubble/JWST/New Horizons shots thrown in.
Thanks, Mitche. I have a ton of photos from the star party to share, I’m just slowly spacing them out! I’m glad you are able to use them for public outreach!
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