Lunar occultation of Mars Jan 13th

From Oklahoma City Mars disappears around 7:54pm and reappears 8:59pm. The time will be different depending on your location.

An opportunity to see the moon occult a bright planet at night does not happen too often; for Mars, a specific location on Earth can see it happen (on average) once about every 14 years. So, if you are fortunate to live in the occultation zone and the weather cooperates, this upcoming event is one that really should not be missed.


just watched mars dissappear at 7:55p; waiting to watch appearance

looked away looked back and was there 8:58/8:59 cool

Just captured the entrance and exit of Mars this evening.
Mars Enters the Moon’s Edge:

Mars Exiting the Moon’s Edge ~ 1hr later:


Very cool. :+1:

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Here is what I got on the Mars occulation by the Moon. Pardon the elementary graphics.


Well done :grin::+1:

Got out the ol DOB for this one, since my wide field setup wasn’t going to get me in close enough.

Just a DSLR mounted to the 10” plus 2x Barlow


Full disc image stacked using Autostakkert 4

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Beautifully done!!!

As expected lots of great photos of the occultation. I too went out and setup in my backyard to view and image the occultation. I had two setups. One was my LX 200 and the other was my Canon 70D with a telephoto lens on a GTi mount. I had some technical issues with trying to take iPhone pictures on the LX and missed the covering of Mars but was able to get some as it exited. I used a celestron NexYZ mount to hold the iPhone. It took a lot work to get the phone to see the image in the eyepiece. Not what I was expecting. But I did get it to work.

Here is an image that I took with NexYZ and the LX 200 with a televue plossel 40 mm eyepiece. Mars is the very small orange dot at the top of the photo.


:slight_smile: Nice

Video of Mars coming out from behind the Moon. Taken with Canon T3i using 8" EdgeHD telescope.


Very, very nice!

Great Picture. Good Job.