Late Summer Milky Way at Packsaddle WMA, OK 8-13-24

Late Summer Milky Way at Packsaddle WMA, Oklahoma 8-13-24, 12:45 am - 1:39 am

Shot through thin clouds and Magenta Northern Lights.

Sky-tracked and stacked.
5-panel pano. 2-minute, F2.8, ISO-1600, 35mm prime lens, 3 subs stacked.
Ground Stationary 5-panel pano.
Nikon D750a, Tamron 35mm F1.4 prime lens.

Pixinsight and Photoshop.



That is a really nice pic!

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Packsaddle WMA, OK 8-13-24 looking North. I saw about 30-40 Perseids this night. I wasn’t trying very hard to see them. I’d just see them as I was working with my telescope etc. The magenta Northern lights were there most of the night. The faint green Northern Lights came and went. Also, you can see a bit of zodiacal light. You can see it point up toward the Mars/Jupiter conjunction.

9-panel pano
10-second, 20mm, F2.8,
ISO-10,000 per frame.
5:26 am - 5:33 am
Nikon D750a

Photoshop, Pixinsight, and Image Composite Editor to stitch the pano.



Awesome pic! I’ve camped out in Ellis Co once before and it was the darkest sky I’ve seen so far.

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