Impromtu Viewing Events

I’m creating this new topic, in the hopes this will allow folks to get timely notifications of short lead time announcements. If you have the option set to get notifications on this topic, each time this is updated you should get an email telling you something new was posted. I think. I’m still learning about Discourse a year after implementation. I was posting a new topic each time, but I’m told this is a better method. See! I am trainable.

This is for anyone who decides the weather is good and they’re going to do some viewing somewhere, and would like to invite others to join them. I’ve been the main one doing this so far, but anyone can decide to do this. I like to invite others when I go out for several reasons; to have some company, to help each other with issues/problems, to learn new ways of doing things, etc.

These will typically be very short notice events, posted at most a day or two in advance probably, and many times just a few hours prior.

So if you want timely notifications of any impromptu events in the future, just enable notifications for this topic!

Oh, I think the way to enable notifications is, click on the “bell” for the topic (at the upper right on my computer screen, though that location may vary depending on how you’re accessing Discourse), then select “Watching.” You should be notified when responses are posted.


Okay, that’s not the way to get notifications. At the bottom of the post is a box that has a bell in it, and probably says “Normal.” Click on it and select “Watching.” I think that will do it.


We shall see , I made that change. :+1:

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I tried it and it works.

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That’s great, Mitch. Thanks for setting this topic up. I’ve missed way too much.

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Yay! Thank you!

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If the weather is good, CRO will be open to all members (and guests) to view the Perseids Meteor Shower on Saturday evening.

Watch that thread here:

And again depending on the weather, I’ll hold an impromptu Perseids Meteor Shower viewing at Bluff Creek Park on Sunday evening. I’ll be there around sunset. Bring a comfortable chair, reclining or zero g chairs are the best, and be ready to relax and view the meteors! No equipment required.

Keep watch here, as it might be postponed to Monday evening. Maybe even both?


More info about the Perseids Meteor Shower can be found at:

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Forecasts are still good for tonight for Perseids viewing, even though I’ve had over 3” of rain this morning.

Here’s some info and viewing tips:

The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks tonight!

The best meteor shower of the year is set to put on a show tonight, so head outside and look up! In clear and dark skies, you may see up to as many as 100 meteors per hour! Although the moon will be 50% illuminated during the peak of the Perseids this year, it will set around 11:00 pm PT, providing dark skies until dawn — ideal for meteor watching! Here are our meteor shower viewing tips (which are good for any meteor shower):

Meteor Shower Viewing Tips

  1. Look for a break in the clouds
  2. Go somewhere dark (if you can)
  3. Find a good view of the whole sky
  4. Lay out a blanket (or reclining chair) & look up
  5. Use your naked eye
  6. Take drinks and snacks
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I’ll come over to the park a little after 10 to check out the views. If noone’s there or skies are cloudy, I’ll try Monday night.

As of now, it’s not worth coming out. It’s cloudy to the north, where they’re coming from. I’m going to wait a bit for more darkness before I call it a night, but probably won’t be here long.

It’s clear in much of the sky, but in the direction the Perseids should be coming from, it’s mostly cloudy. But going to stay a bit longer to see if it clears that direction.

Still mostly cloudy in the north. And weather maps showing a large cloud bank there. I’m going to pack up and head home tonight.

Tomorrow night looking the same as tonight. But Tuesday looking clear. I may come back out then. Keep watch here for a decision on Tuesday.

Yeah, i just looked outside to the north. Not good. I won’t drive over. CRO doesn’t look any better.

The forecasters were wrong and last night was very nice for viewing! But I sat out in my backyard from 11-midnight, then again from about 0430-0530, and nary a meteor did I see. I’m guessing the OKC light dome makes seeing meteors extremely difficult. My backyard is as dark, or darker, than Bluff Creek, so I’m not going to try there again tonight. I hope someone further away from the light pollution can see some meteors tonight!

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Yes, terrible seeing what with all the humidity in the l8cal atmosphere! No joy here either last night. Don’t blame you for staying home. I may drive over to Bluff Creek and try “seeing”. Won’t stay very long.

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Been at Bluff Creek park for 90 minutes. Enjoying the breeze. Saw exactly 1 meteor streak. Not able to get up and out before dawn, so I’ll just have to wait till next year.

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Well, you saw one more than me.


I saw about 30 out at Packsaddle WMA Monday night. Some were tiny, most were medium and about 3 were long streakers.


That’s really great, Andy!!,

You had the best of all worlds at Packsaddle WMA. Monday was a complete washout around okc and CRO.

Well planned and executed.

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