Impromtu Viewing Events

I’m creating this new topic, in the hopes this will allow folks to get timely notifications of short lead time announcements. If you have the option set to get notifications on this topic, each time this is updated you should get an email telling you something new was posted. I think. I’m still learning about Discourse a year after implementation. I was posting a new topic each time, but I’m told this is a better method. See! I am trainable.

This is for anyone who decides the weather is good and they’re going to do some viewing somewhere, and would like to invite others to join them. I’ve been the main one doing this so far, but anyone can decide to do this. I like to invite others when I go out for several reasons; to have some company, to help each other with issues/problems, to learn new ways of doing things, etc.

These will typically be very short notice events, posted at most a day or two in advance probably, and many times just a few hours prior.

So if you want timely notifications of any impromptu events in the future, just enable notifications for this topic!

Oh, I think the way to enable notifications is, click on the “bell” for the topic (at the upper right on my computer screen, though that location may vary depending on how you’re accessing Discourse), then select “Watching.” You should be notified when responses are posted.

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Okay, that’s not the way to get notifications. At the bottom of the post is a box that has a bell in it, and probably says “Normal.” Click on it and select “Watching.” I think that will do it.


We shall see , I made that change. :+1:

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I tried it and it works.

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That’s great, Mitch. Thanks for setting this topic up. I’ve missed way too much.

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Yay! Thank you!

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