Impromptu Viewing on New Year's Day!

Checking the forecast, and Monday evening, New Year’s Day, is looking better! If the forecast holds, I’ll likely go somewhere that evening for observing. If no one wants to meet me elsewhere, I’ll be going to Bluff Creek Park, as that is the best area for viewing inside the metro area that I’ve found. (if anyone knows of a better location, please let me know!)

If someone from the southside wants to meet, Arbor Gardens is a decent location. Not as dark as Bluff Creek, but so far it’s the best location I’ve found on the south side. (Actually, I didn’t find it, Gerald told me about it. Thanks, Gerald!)

I’ll post more Monday afternoon with a definite go/no-go decision, and when and where.

If you got some new equipment for Christmas, this might be a good evening to try it out! I know several folks got Seestar S50s for Christmas and I’d be happy to help you get it running.



I’d like to see a Seestar in action. Bluff Creek Park is good for me. I’m awaiting your go/no-go decision.

Russ, I haven’t heard from anyone else saying they wanted to meet elsewhere, so I’m headed for Bluff Creek at sunset. Clouds will be moving in later in the evening, so want to get an early start.

Great. I’ll be there between 17:30-18:00.

See you there! I’m leaving as soon as the coffee finishes.

High misty clouds right now. Not sure how good the viewing will be. At Bluff Creek Park. Am set up waiting for dark. Not as good as I was hoping, but I might still get a comet or two. Plus can show Russ how the Seestar works.

Turned out to be a great night! It cleared after sunset. Got more science observations of Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, and gave a demonstration of the Seestar to Russ. Got a tad chilly. Had frost on my scopes when I put them up.

Since I went out tonight, I’m not planning on going out of Wednesday. Hopefully it will clear up for First Friday and Member Night this weekend.


Thanks for the demo last night. Very impressive.

Also, it was my first night visit to Bluff Creek Park. Nice dark oasis inside the Oklahoma City light dome.

Nestled down below the dam at lake Hefner, Bluff creek is indeed a little dark oasis :+1:

With surprisingly good fields of view!