Impromptu Viewing at Bluff Creek - Mon 27 Nov

The forecast is for clear and calm Monday evening, so I’m planning on heading to Bluff Creek Park tomorrow night for a few hours.

I’m planning on getting there about 7. Not planning on staying too late, probably 9-10 at the latest. Any and all are welcome to join me! I’ll have my eVscope 2, my Stellina, and my Seestar set up so if you’re interested in getting one of these, it’s a good time to see them in action!

It will be chilly.

Helping a friend right now. Might not get there at 7 but am still going.

Finally free, but going to grab a quick bite to eat. Will be there around 8.

Gerry Bryant joined me for an enjoyable evening of stargazing! I got a nice image of the Beaver Moon.


The moon was super bright last night!