Here is a good guide on safe solar eclipse viewing. Please forward this to anyone who asks you about viewing the eclipse on April 8th. Or viewing the sun any time.
I’ve created a .pdf of this page, but can’t post that here. I’ll post it on our Discord channel, or you can contact me and I’ll email/text it to you. That will be a good handout for any of our public events.
Attached is the one-page How to Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse sheet that the AAS sent with the veiwing glasses I handed out at tonight’s meeting.
Please print and give a copy to anyone/everyone you know that may be out looking at the eclipse, or anytime at the sun!
Thanks, Dave! That’s the graphic on the black and white PDF/JPG, but nothing I did on scanning, even going up to 1200 dpi, could bring it out in the copies.
Another great article for the layman for viewing the total eclipse was published by Sky & Telescope Magazine. When folks ask you about the eclipse, this is a good article to send them! Especially the folks who will not be in the path of totality. I ran into a few last night that weren’t going to bother viewing it since they wouldn’t see totality. Hopefully I convinced them that seeing about 93-94% in OKC was well worth getting outside to look at it!