I wrote a Swap Shop post and want to edit it.
Marv Halsey
I wrote a Swap Shop post and want to edit it.
Marv Halsey
Just click the icon that looks like a pencil. If you don’t see it click on the 3 dots first.
Thanks, but no pencil. And 3 dots yields (l-r) Heart, link, flag, bookmark, trash and reply.
I just checked your admin settings and could not find anything that should restrict you from editing your old posts. In fact it shows you have edited 1 post in the past.
Donno why the edit option is not appearing. Are you using the app or going through a webpage? Whichever method you use, try the other method of access to the forum and see if they appear.
Just double checked and you should not see a heart option for a post that you wrote. So for some reason it thinks you didn’t write that post. You cannot edit posts by others, so that tracks. Why it thinks you didn’t write it is the question now.
And that’s above my pay grade.
The only post I see by you in the Buy/Sell/Trade area is referencing a Celestron Nexstar 6SE. Is that the one you’re trying to ecit?
It doesn’t solve your problem, which we definitely need to solve, but if you send me the changes you want, I can edit it for you.
I have limited admin privledges.
Thanks, Mitche. That old post offering the 6SE is the one I’m trying to edit, but cannot.
I posted “How To Edit a Post” today. Went back and was able to edit it. Saw the pencil. For some reason i can’t edit the old November 6SE post.
I need to delete the words “with T-adapter threads for a DSLR.” In the 4th paragraph. An enquirer thought a T-adapter was included. It is not. Just the 2x barlow.
It appears that there is a time limit to edit a Post (which certainly makes obvious sense for almost all threads and posts.)
And the default to edit a post is 2 months,
For older Buy and Sell Items, it might be easiest for a user to “Reply” with the edited post.
Huh. Good to know.
Apparently admins can edit outside that time limit, so another option is to ask one of us to edit it for you.
Thanks for researching this Tom!