General Question about CRO

Going through some old photos of CRO and noticed members used to sometimes launch Estes rockets before sundown. I would love to introduce my 10 year old Space fanatic daughter to the rockets but they’re not allowed in public parks anymore. Would they be allowed at CRO prior to sundown provided they’re not disturbing or interfering with anyone else? (essentially when we’re out there alone)

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It’s very dry out there, with very flammable grass fields all around CRO. Grass fires have almost hit CRO many times. I’m not sure it’s a good idea. Liability could be a problem if a fire was started? Just my thoughts.

Hey Andy,
Yeah, I thought about that. Certainly wouldn’t want to make anyone nervous about a problem. No worries, I wouldn’t have even thought about CRO as an option if I hadn’t seen those old pics. Probably see you out there soon. take care.

I have not seen any old pictures of anyone doing that at CRO. I have seen pictures of them doing that at Okie-Tex but I think that was at the old location when it was in Ardmore. It was a lot wetter back then. Would have the same thing at the current Okie-Tex location way too dry. They do have a rocket club in Oklahoma.

i wonder if that picture was at the crop circle?

Better start wearing our tinfoil hats while observing, then!

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Crop circle was an old club observing site we no longer use.