Club Website is back up

The Club Website is down. Getting error “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded”. Waiting to hear what is going on with it. It might just be a temporary issue.


The Club Website is back up.

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The Club Website is down again.

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I had a similar problem with my own website back in October. After receiving a notice from my ISP (HostPapa) that I was exceeding my bandwidth resources, and getting the same bandwidth error the Club’s website is showing, I contacted their tech support. Their response was that it appeared that my login page was under attack.

I installed a plugin that limited login attempts (see pic below). Set the limit to three attempts before 24-hour lock out. That solved the problem.

The Club’s website might have something similar going on. Check with ISP. They should be able to help.

I’m waiting for them to get back to me about that error. They are checking to see if this is something normal it is close to the end of the month or if this is some type of attack. With the eclipse getting close maybe we are just getting more traffic than usual.

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All are reasonable possibilities.

It looks like we were being repeatedly crawled by for some reason, mostly trying to scrape data from the old forum.

I’ve blocked that robot from doing anything else, but I’m unsure when our bandwith resets.

Dave noticed that this robot was using our entire monthly bandwith in the span of 10 days. In other months, we were not even close to using it all up.

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My first thought was a DDoS attack or something similar.

We are back up but it looks like they reloaded the website from a very old backup. Will have to get it restored over the weekend with a current backup.

The Club website is back up. They moved it over to a new server since the other server was going end of life. It now can be accessed using the secure web address.

Yea no more Pipe company.


Thanks for fighting the bots Danny and Dave!

Great news! Thanks guys!

Good work! Thanks for getting the Club back online! :clap: :clap:

great job guys

The Okie-Tex website has now been moved to a new server.

Yea no more Pipe company.