Club Events for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

At our board meeting last night we decided the “official” club event for the total eclipse would be in association with the Science Museum Oklahoma (SMO). I’m not sure exactly what they’re doing yet, but I’m sure they’ll be doing something in the parking lot like they did for the annular eclipse. After all, in OKC there is/was really no difference in the two. Both are about 85% partial eclipses in OKC.

I’ll start a separate post with details after I coordinate with the museum on what they’re planning.

I’ve gotten, and I’m sure will continue to get, requests for support for the total eclipse. I’ll post those on the forum and members can support them or not, as they choose. If you don’t go anywhere else, I urge you to go to the SMO to view it.

Obviously, a lot of club members, including me, have plans to travel to the path of totality. There will be no official club event in the path. But again, I’ll post requests for support on the forum and members can choose to support any that appeal to them.

Even if you can’t make it into the path of totality, it’s well worth taking the time to observe the partial eclipse wherever you are! The partial is visible across the entire continental US. The club has solar viewing glasses available and we’ll ensure these are available at the club meetings.


Here is the information from the Science Museum Oklahoma website.

Thanks, Dave, for spoting and posting that!

It’s a bit early folks, but if you’re planning on joining the fun at SMO that day, please post on here that you will be there!

I had to make the decision this evening on go/no go to my location in Texas. Although there’s a slight possibility of a hole right around totality, I’ve decided not to travel to the path of totality.

So now the plan is to be at SMO for the event, The forecast here is not any better, but at least I won’t have to travel as far to view it through clouds.

Will plan to be there by 11am or so.

I will be at SMO as well! :sun_behind_small_cloud: