Fairly new member to OKCAC and I’m very interested in membership at Cheddar Ranch as well. At one of the recent meetings I think I heard something about an orientation kind of thing before one can get a key to the ranch. (maybe I made that up)
Either way, how to I go about becoming a member as well as learning the ropes?
I also remember seeing that a pad was available for sale recently… would be interested in that as well if still available?
Thanks in advance or any help.
After being a member for anout 3 months, you can pay for a CRO membership. I believe its around 60$ for the year ontop of your normal club membership. You will be given a key and have access to CRO whenever you like. Not sure if that pad is avaliable or not. But, ive never had an issue finding an open pad when ive been out there.
As a regular member you can come out on the Member Night twice a month, around the new moon. Come out every chance you can in the coming months for “orientation”!
After 3 months as a regular member, you apply for CRO membership and pay a pro-rated fee. $60, less the number of months left in the club year, which began April 1st. You’ll be paying less than $60 after the waiting period. 24/7/365 access!
There is a waiting list for ownership pads, but there are plenty of Public pads available. And, as a CRO Member, you have access to every one of the public pads every day/night all year. Which begs the question “Why buy a pad?”
Welcome to all the wonderful benefits of the Oklahoma Astronomy Club!!!
Hope to meet you soon!!
Good point about buying a pad if they’re all about the same. So on the member nights I just show up with my telescope? Should I coordinate with someone so I get “orientated”. I don’t want to be the guy who shows up and does it all wrong! Thanks for the help.
Keep a watch here to see if someone is going. Sometimes we will meet at swadleys in elreno for food. If you head straight to CRO and dont need a guide I recommend arriving an hour before sunset at least to set up and get familiar with the site. Just pull up to a pad and set your scope up and you’re ready to go.
Again, Welcome, Allen!
The orientation person will post in Events for that Member Night where to meet up. Even if you know how to get there by yourself, meet them at the time and location they specify, and follow them. That way you’ll already have your orientation person with you.
The grounds are opened at least an hour before sunset by a CRO member. Plan to arrive in that last hour. Park by the building first. They’ll point out available public pads you can move to. Back up to that pad, headlights facing the gate.
Your guide will show you around the building.
There is a possibility that this coming MN, June 1, will be canceled due to clouds, threatening rain. So best not to set out without checking the MN announcement in Events. There are 3 Member Nights in June this year, so the weather may improve later in the month.
We all love astronomy and are eager to show off CRO. So any one of us may introduce ourselves and show you around!!
Marv Halsey