CANCELLED: OKCAC Member Night at CRO - June 29th

Member night at CRO on Saturday, Jun 29th.

Sunset is at 8:54pm and the moon rises at 2:04am.

If you’re planning to come out, please post on here that you are going.

I will not be able to make it out to this one.

I am planning on attending if the clouds stay away.

Sadly, it’s not looking good for this Saturday…

Friday night is looking a lot better than Saturday night.

Friday wil probably be clearer, depending on which app I look at, but winds look like they’ll be around 20mph. Even in the roll off room that’s very high.

Unfortunately I am having to put in extra hours this weekend due to the shop being affected by the power outage for two days. Hopefully everyone escaped having to deal with that at home. Looking forward to my first trip there, it will have to be the next go round.

This weekend not looking good anyway, @Bulldawg54.

Keep watching for future Member Nights! They’re scheduled for July 6 and 29 next month! Usually the weather is pretty good in July and August.

As of now (1045), the forecasts for CRO are for mostly to completely cloudy during the prime viewing time from sunset to midnight. With a good probability of thunderstorms during that time.

I’ll make the call by about 3-4 this afternoon, but it’s not looking good for tonight.

Also, I can’t make it and no CRO member has indicated they’ll be there to open everything. If you are not a CRO member, please do not drive out there unless a CRO member posts they will open the observatory tonight. We do not want anyone making the long drive there, just to find everything locked.

CRO members, remember the code has been changed. You should have gotten an email with the new code.

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Mitche! Too bad for us all! And I can’t make next week’s member night as we have out of state guests coming for the weekend. Just have to settle for the Park, or my backyard.

Glad your moving trudge has finished!

Just checked several forecasts. All I’m seeing is completely cloudy and possible thunderstorms. So I’m officially canceling tonight’s member night.

I’ll look for the next one on July 6th. Hope the weather cooperates.