Canceled: Science Museum Oklahoma Star Party - Thursday, Dec. 14th

CANCELED: Science Museum Oklahoma - Geminid Star Party

Thursday, December 14th, 6pm - 9pm

Science Museum Oklahoma, parking lot
2020 Remington Pl., Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Google map

About this event

Weather permitting, the Kirkpatrick Planetarium is hosting a star party in the SMO parking lot. Jupiter and Saturn will be visible, and the 14th is the peak of the Geminid meteor shower. While light pollution in the city is less than favorable for meteor showers, the goal is to get people out with their families this holiday season, and maybe inspire them to get a telescope for their own home, especially since there are other things to see in the sky during the month of December.

Club members are welcome to join if you would like to bring your own telescope and set up with us. The lobby of the building will be open, providing access to restrooms, our museum’s Science Shop (with a display of entry-level telescopes for sale), a break from the cold, and FREE hot chocolate!

If anyone is interested in joining us, myself and our planetarium staff will begin setting up around 4:30 PM that day. Please let me know if you plan on joining us that evening, or if you have any questions!

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I’ve added this event to the club calendar on the Night Sky Network.

If you are planning to support this, please post on here that you will be there, and what equipment you will be bringing.

Please come and help even if you don’t have, or don’t plan to bring any equipment! We always need club members to just be there to talk to the public that stops by. Please wear a hat or shirt or something that will indicate you are a member of the club if you have it. I’ll have red slap bracelets available to wear to identify our club members also.

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I plan to attend and I’ll be bringing my eVscope 2, my Seestar S50 and a TV to show images that our club members have taken.

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I am planning on attending in a support role only, not bringing my scope.

We plan on attending. Bob is bringing his telescope.

Just checked the forecast. Right now it’s calling for completely cloudy Thursday evening.

Not sure what SMO has planned if it’s a cloudy evening.

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Good morning everyone, we are going to reschedule tonight’s event, likely to sometime in February. The forecast is looking very poor for tonight, unfortunately. Thank you for making plans to join us though, we really appreciate it and hope to see you at the next one!

Thanks for letting us know! I’m disappointed, but we have a very weather dependent hobby. Hopefully next time will be better!

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