We will have Astronomy Day Viewing at Scissortail Park on Saturday May 18th at 8pm. We can use the South side of Scissortail park near the Overlook Hill. It will be street parking. There is a bathroom on the East side of the park. I’m thinking setting up on the West side would be better.
The weather forecast is looking great for Saturday night. Hill Pavilion is on the East side of the park. I think setting up on the West side would be better. There is parking along S Harvey Ave on the West or S Robinson Ave on the East. Since it will mainly be Moon viewing I’m going to bring out my 8" EdgeHD on the AVX mount.
I scouted this out before, and I think that’s a great spot to try, Dave! I’m glad you’re going to try it out. Maybe we can have some of our First Fridays there if it works for this Saturday. I’m just not sure how much foot traffic we’ll get for our public events.
I’ll try to make this, but no guarantees. I’m spending most of every day trying to get my old house ready to sell. Even when I’m free, and the weather is great, I’ve just been too exhausted to set up. Even in my backyard.
The map you added is for the North side. My post says South side of Scissortail park near the Overlook Hill. I also updated the map location on the Club calendar.
Thank you for that correction. I’ve not been there yet and was unaware that the park extended that far south (beyond Union Station/I-40).
I’ve removed my map image to avoid confusion.
Some pictures taken. I was too obsessed with the moon yesterday. Thank you for a wonderful time. My friend James, the big ole’ guy, said he had a ton of fun and thank you for all of the information.