About the Cheddar Ranch (CRO) category

Discussion board for Cheddar Ranch Observatory (CRO). As a member of the Oklahoma City Astronomy Club, you get access to CRO on any of our bi-monthly Member Nights. OKCAC members of at least three months can “join” CRO and receive their own key and gate codes, and are able to use the facilities whenever they want.

This area is for:

  • Non-member night trips to CRO. Member Nights at CRO belong in Events chat so non-members can participate.

  • Discussion of maintenance and upkeep of the facility.

I changed this to be public by default, with a OKCAC Members Only sub-section.

This way, the public can see things going on out at CRO. Please post anything related to the security or maintenance of CRO to the OKCAC Members Only section.