5-minutes vs 40.5 hrs

NGC 6820: one 5-minute Ha sub vs four hundred and eighty-six (40.5 hrs) of Ha subs.
No processing at all, No noise reduction etc, stacked only. This is an ongoing imaging project of a very faint area. I just wanted to show an example of how “integration is king”.


I’ve always been interested in long-term photography; it is hard to believe that we are now able to take pictures for 45 hours. It seems my interests are now focusing on the limits of target magnitude, sub exposure time, gain, and required computer memory that are possible or needed at different light pollution levels.

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Yep. Expose long enough from dark site, and there ends up being no “empty space”. That is always my goal, keep going until I fill the frame with dust, gas, and nebulea. I’ve actually added, three more panels to this mosaic, with maybe another hundred hours of exposure? I’m loosing track of exposure times. I’ll add it all up at the end.

Im starting to fall into this rabbit hole. Need to get a monochrome camera at some point.