OKCAC Member Nights at CRO 2023

I will NOT be headed to CRO tonight.

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Thunderstorms are now predicted for the CRO area. I do not recommend anyone go to CRO this evening!

Member Night has ‘officially’ been cancelled for tonight.


The second member night at CRO in August is on Saturday, August 19th.

Sunset is at 8:19pm and the moon sets at 10:07pm.

Check the weather forecasts and check back here to ensure it will be good viewing weather and CRO will be open.

If anyone is coming that can open the 14” or 30” scopes, please post on here that you will be attending and it will be open.

If you’re planning to come out, please post on here that you are coming.

If you want to be guided to CRO, please post here and check back to see if a CRO member can meet and guide you. CRO members, please post what time you can meet any members needing guides. Please make arrangements to meet directly with whoever will be guiding you.

OKCAC/CRO Phone Number
(405) 418-6444

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I plan on attending this Member’s night on the 19th.

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Weather permitting, I also plan to attend :+1:


@Andy_Fryhover Welcome to the new Forum. So glad you made it. Now we’ll watch for contributions to the ‘Discourse.’ :wink:


Thank you Tom, glad to be here. The new format will take some getting used to… just like PIXINSIGHT :rofl:

Oh, I think PixInsight is much easier to learn to use!
(Sarcasm, for those who’ve never tried PixInsight…)

I resent that comparison. You don’t need a graduate degree in insane user interfaces to figure out Discourse like you do with PI. :slight_smile:

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True, Danny. Very true! :innocent:

To get back on thread, I’ll be going to CRO Saturday. I plan to get there by 2000 or so. The forecasts are looking really great right now! Clear, and low winds. Ensure you bring a jacket JIC. I had to put one on at Bluff Creek on Monday. It got a bit chilly. Not bad, but need a jacket to sit out under the stars for several hours.

Right now I’m planning on eating at Swadley’s El Reno on my way out. I’ll get to Swadly’s probably shortly after 1800 in case anyone wants to join me, and/or needs to meet for a guide.

I recommend taking US 66 past El Reno. There’s also construction on I-44 westbound around McArthur to Council or so. I’ve been taking Reno or 10th, to Council, getting on I-40 there, then exiting at El Reno to get on 66 to the Cherokee Trading post. At a minimum, you’ll slow down on I-44; at worst you could be delayed for a while.

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Cannot make this one, but looks like a great opportunity.

I was out with CatsPaw on Tuesday night and it was perfect! Really lucky to have a good week in August!


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I’ll see you at Swadley’s.

I’ll see you at Swadley’s 1800.

I won’t be making Swadley’s, but I’ll wave as I drive past👋 around 6:30 or so.

Make sure you do! We’ll toast you as you go by with our soft serve cups!

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I plan to come out tonight!

Brad R.


I’ll meet you out there. Going to have to miss Swadley’s.

Sorry, won’t be able to make it tonight. Enjoy the clear skies :+1:

Too bad, Andy! It’s probably the second perfect viewing night (for member night anyway) this year!

CRO is open! 6 members are here and set up. Dave has the 14” up and running. The weather is darn near perfect! Com’on out!

Joel came out I-40 and said it was not bad at all when he came through.

It was a great observing night! We had 4 CRO members and 2 regular club members out.

I believe a good evening was had by all! If you weren’t at CRO I hope you were observing somewhere! Nights like this are rare.

Among other things, I got 5 citizen science observations of 3 different comets and got a mosaic of NGC 6992 - Western Veil Nebula.

720 10 sec subs for a total of 2 hours. Auto-stacked, no post processing.